Sunday, January 17, 2010


Traveling back home today, I realize how much I miss my family. I love columbia and all of my friends, but my family seems so far away(even though it's only an hour away). Going away to school I have realized how much I took my family for granted sometimes. I value each and every time I spend with my family, they are the most wonderful people in my life. I always know that I have a strong place to fall back on when things get tough and when I need the very best advice. My litte cousin Sam just turned 9 today, how quickly does time pass us by?! It seems just like yesterday that he was born! I remember holding him in my arms and now he is such a grown up little boy! I've also converted him to a USC fan! I'm so excited!! He has as much school spirit as I do, which I absolutely love :) He will be the next basketball player at Carolina, well in about 10 years or so.. :) My cousins are amazing and I'm so thankful that I can be a positive role model for them, and show them the most important things in life! God has truly blessed me with a family that has taught me so much about life and love.

On another note, today's service in sunday school and church was exactly what I posted last night in my blog. So amazing how God works to help us see the answer to our prayers. In Sunday School we talked about drawing near to God. "..let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water." Hebrews 10:22 As it says in scripture, this is ALL past tense. He SprinklED our hearts from an evil conscience and our bodies were washED with pure water. With that being said, why do we hold on to past guilt or shame? What I learned today was that I need to embrace what I already have from God the Father.


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